Saturday, June 7, 2014



  1. I was born into the Church and was taught the gospel at my mother’s knee. Through her diligence and perseverance, she kindled a small ember of testimony that never left me even through some of the roughest times of my life.
    -The Joy of Hope Fulfilled, M. Russell Ballard (October 1992 general Conference)
  1. When the Lord advises us to “continue in patience until [we] are perfected,” He is acknowledging that it takes time and perseverance. Understanding the why of the gospel and the why of the priesthood will help us to see the divine purpose of all of this. 
    -The Why of Priesthood Service, Dieter F. Uchtdorf (April 2012 General Conference)
  1. Perhaps the famed Winston Churchill best declared the world’s pressing need. Said he: “I have lived perhaps longer experience than almost anyone, and I have never brooded over a situation which demanded more patience, composure, courage and perseverance than that which unfolds itself before us today: The need of a prophet.”
    -The Way Home,Thomas S. Monson (April 1975)
  1. Please, dear Father, bless us with faith. Bless us with love. Bless us with charity in our hearts. Bless us with a spirit of perseverance to root out the terrible evils that are in this world. Give protection and guidance to those who are engaged actively in carrying forth the things of battle.
    - Till We Meet Again, Gordon B. Hinckley (October 2001 General Conference)
  1. Perseverance is demonstrated by those who keep going when the going gets tough, who don’t give up even when others say, “It can’t be done.” 
     -Perseverance, James E. Faust (April 2005 General Conference)

  2. Patience and perseverance are part of our eternal progression.
    -Ask, Seek, Knock , Russell M. Nelson (October 2009 General Conference)

  3. The Savior’s mortal ministry includes everything else that He did—His teachings, expressions of love, attention to ordinances, patterns of prayer, perseverance, and more.
    -Senior Missionaries and the Gospel, Russell M. Nelson (October 2004 General Conference)

  4. Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly, passively waiting and hoping for some good thing to happen. It gives us hope by helping us realize that the righteous suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying.
    -Never Give Up, Joseph B. Wirthlin (October 1987 General Conference)

  5. I believe that perseverance is vital to success in any endeavor, whether spiritual or temporal, large or small, public or personal. Think seriously of how important perseverance, or the lack of it, has been in your own endeavors, such as Church callings, schooling, or employment. I believe that essentially all significant achievement results largely from perseverance.
    -Never Give Up, Joseph B. Wirthlin (October 1987 General Conference) 
  6. Being in good physical condition comes at a price, and that price is dedication, perseverance, and self-discipline. Spiritual endurance also comes at a price. It is the same price: dedication, perseverance, and self-discipline.
    -The Strength to Endure, Richard J. Maynes (October 2013 General Conference)

    “Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way” come from the song Time by Pink Floyd. I’m half Welsh so that hold true to me. I would never want to go through the last 5+ tears of my life again. Nor would I want anyone I know to have too either. Quote #8 hits me the hardest. We don’t persevere by sitting idle by we engage, whatever it might be, it head on. Being actively engaged in any uplifting this brings us strength. I use to get mad when my volleyball coach made us run so many drills. I just wanted to play the game. I did not get the reason for the. Until I realized why we did them. I no longer did them half speed I did as many as I could before we moved on to the next. I found that I was getting better and better by doing the small things. Perseverance through the drills taught me that I can get better if I just worked hard.

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