Saturday, June 7, 2014


  1. And the last words of the proclamation express the simple truth that the family is “the fundamental unit of society.”
    -What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest, M. Russell Ballard (October 2005 General Conference)
  1. The family relationships we have here on this earth are important, but they are much more important for their effect on our families for generations in mortality and throughout all eternity.
    -The Eternal Family, Robert D. Hales (October 1996 General Conference)
  1. Strengthening families is our sacred duty as parents, children, extended family members, leaders, teachers, and individual members of the Church.
    -Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty, Robert D. Hales (April 1999 General Conference)
  1. The family is safe within the Church. We are not in doubt as to the course we must follow. It was given in the beginning, and guidance from on high is renewed as need may be.
    -The Father and the Family, Boyd K. Packer (April 1994 General Conference)
  1. From the beginning, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has emphasized family life. We have always understood that the foundations of the family, as an eternal unit, were laid even before this earth was created! Society without basic family life is without foundation and will disintegrate into nothingness
    -Families Can Be Eternal, Spencer W. Kimball (April 1980 General Conference)
  1. From the beginning, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has emphasized family life. We have always understood that the foundations of the family, as an eternal unit, were laid even before this earth was created! Society without basic family life is without foundation and will disintegrate into nothingness.
    -Families Can Be Eternal- Spencer W. Kimball (October 1980 General Conference)

  2. Family love is wonderful. Nothing is as specific as the love of a baby for its mother. Nothing is as predictable as the love of children for their parents or the love of parents for their children.- A New Harvest Time
    - Russell M. Nelson (April 1998 General Conference)

  3. I want to remind all of us today that no family has reached perfection. All families are subject to the conditions of mortality. All of us are given the gift of agency—to choose for ourselves and to learn from the consequences of our choices.
    -With All the Feeling of a Tender Parent: A Message of Hope to Families- Robert D. Hales (April 2004 General Conference)

  4. Heavenly Father has made each of us unique. No two of us have exactly the same experiences. No two families are alike. So it is not surprising that advice about how to choose happiness in family life is hard to give. Yet a loving Heavenly Father has set the same path to happiness for all of His children.
    - To My Grandchildren- Henry B. Eyring (October 2013 General Conference)

  5. Teach them to stay on the Lord’s side of the line. Hold family home evening regularly. Hold family prayer twice a day, if possible.
    -Take Time for Your Children-Ben B. Banks (October 1993 General Conference)

    There is probably a pretty good theme running through my work on this project, trials and faith. I don’t know how much I have been blessed in most of the things in my life, but I am sure that my family is the biggest blessing I have. I can't even think of where I would be without them. For what I give them I get so much more back. There have been moments of pure fear that were only relieved by my family’s love. I get to see the great effect the love that family’s share with my calling. So many times the issues that plague family lives could be solved if the family would pray together, but it seems to be too easy a fix for some. Families that love and serve each other hold the power to overcome and prosper. 

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