Saturday, June 7, 2014

Patriarchal blessing

Patriarchal blessing

    1. Help in maintaining the proper perspective in these permissive times can come to you from many sources. One valuable resource is your patriarchal blessing. Read it frequently. Study it carefully. Be guided by its cautions. Live to merit its promises. If you have not yet received your patriarchal blessing, plan for the time when you will receive it, and then cherish it.
    -May You Have Courage, Thomas S. Monson (April 2009 General Conference)
    1. While patriarchal blessings are very private, I will share a short quote from mine: “You shall be guided through the whisperings of the Holy Spirit and you shall be warned of dangers. If you heed those warnings, our Heavenly Father will bless you so that you might again be united with your loved ones.”
    -Counsel to Youth, Boyd K. Packer (October 2011 General Conference)

    1. My patriarchal blessing, received at age 13 from a beloved grandfather, includes this statement: “[Your Heavenly Father] sent you forth in this last and glorious dispensation that you might be born under the new and everlasting covenant by goodly, righteous parents.” With deepest appreciation I acknowledge that this has been the great foundational blessing of my life.
    -Born Again, D. Todd Christofferson (April 2008 General Conference)

    1. Your patriarchal blessing, with its declaration of lineage, will link you to these fathers and be more meaningful to you. Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding. And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary.
    -The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn, David A. Bednar (October 2011 General Conference)

    1. Help can come to you from many sources. One is your patriarchal blessing. Such a blessing contains chapters from your book of eternal possibilities. Read your blessing frequently. Study it carefully. Be guided by its cautions. Live to merit its promises.-Be Thou an Example,Thomas S. Monson (April 2005 General Conference)

    2. Your patriarchal blessing, with its declaration of lineage, will link you to these fathers and be more meaningful to you. Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding. And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary. -The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn, David A. Bednar (October 2011 General Conference)

    3. Receive your patriarchal blessing and strive to live worthy of its promises. A patriarchal blessing is one of the most important guides in life that members of the Church enjoy.- Running Your Marathon , Joseph B. Wirthlin ( October 1989 General Conference)

    4. A patriarchal blessing is a revelation to the recipient, even a white line down the middle of the road, to protect, inspire, and motivate activity and righteousness. A patriarchal blessing literally contains chapters from your book of eternal possibilities. I say eternal, for just as life is eternal, so is a patriarchal blessing.-Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light,Thomas S. Monson (October 1986 General Conference)

    5. Just like the early Saints, you can regard your patriarchal blessing as your own “personal scripture.”You should keep it sacred and not share it outside of your immediate family.-You Have a Noble Birthright, Julie B. Beck (April 2006 General Conference)

    6. A patriarchal blessing also includes an inspired and prophetic statement of the life possibilities and mission of the recipient. It may include such blessings, promises, advice, admonitions, and warnings as the patriarch may be prompted to give. It should always be made clear that the realization of all promised blessings is conditioned upon faithfulness and the Lord’s will”- The Lord Blesses His Children through Patriarchal Blessings, Richard D. Allred (October 1997 General Conference)

      For years, my patriarchal blessing baffled me. I didn’t get what it was saying. I understood the words but not the meaning. It said I would serve the on foreign soil. I went on a mission to California, foreign is some aspects but it wasn’t New Zealand. It wasn’t until I was married that I realized that its a living personal scripture. The times when I went to it when the spirit promoted me has brought me greater insight into it. The blessing are great and the love I feel from my heavenly Father emanates through it, I am grateful for it.

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