Saturday, June 7, 2014


  1. With this background in mind, let us now ponder the deep meaning of the word atonement. In the English language, the components are at-one-ment, suggesting that a person is at one with another.
    -The Atonement , Russell M. Nelson (October 1996 General Conference)

  2. The Savior subsequently accomplished the Atonement. He took upon Himself the “burden of the sins of mankind” and the “horrors that Satan … could inflict.”
    -We Follow Jesus Christ, Quentin L. Cook (April 2010 General Conference)

  3. I repeat, save for the exception of the very few who defect to perdition, there is no habit, no addiction, no rebellion, no transgression, no apostasy, no crime exempted from the promise of complete forgiveness. That is the promise of the atonement of Christ.
    -The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness, Boyd K. Packer (October 1995 General Conference)

  4. For His Atonement to be infinite and eternal, He had to feel what it was like to die not only physically but spiritually, to sense what it was like to have the divine Spirit withdraw, leaving one feeling totally, abjectly, hopelessly alone.
    -None Were with Him,Jeffrey R. Holland( April 2009 General Conference)

  5. Alma emphasizes that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, “the arms of mercy are extended” to those who repent.13 He then asks penetrating and ultimate questions, such as: Are we prepared to meet God? Are we keeping ourselves blameless? We should all contemplate these questions.
    -Can Ye Feel So Now?, Quentin L. Cook (April 2012 General Conference)

  6. The Atonement of Jesus Christ was an indispensable part of our Heavenly Father’s plan for His Son’s earthly mission and for our salvation.
    -The Atonement and the Value of One Soul , M. Russell Ballard (April 2004 General Conference)

  7. We access the Atonement through repentance. When we repent, the Lord allows us to put the mistakes of the past behind us.
    - The Miracle of the Atonement, C. Scott Grow (April 2012 General Conference)

  8. Sometimes in the depth of pain, we are tempted to ask, “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there?”7 I testify the answer is yes, there is a physician. The Atonement of Jesus Christ covers all these conditions and purposes of mortality.
    -The Atonement Covers All Pain, Kent F. Richards (April 2012 General Conference)

  9. Through the Atonement and those singular events surrounding it, all of the terrible individual and collective sins of all mankind were taken upon the Lord’s shoulders.
    -The Supernal Gift of the Atonement, James E. Faust (October 1995 General Conference)

  10. We are not and never need be alone. We can press forward in our daily lives with heavenly help. Through the Savior’s Atonement we can receive capacity and “strength beyond [our] own” (“Lord, I Would Follow Thee,” Hymns, no. 220). As the Lord declared, “Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end”
    -Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease, Elder David A. Bednar(April 2012 General Conference)

    The atonement is massive. I don’t know how it works in a mechanical way. I want to know all the nuts and bolts that make it work. The great thing about it is that I don’t need to know it completely. To be honest, that is hard for me. I have an almost disbelieving instinct that there is something more to it. That being said is a major hurdle for me to overcome. I just don’t think of it that much because of the way my mind wants to understand it. I am grateful that I have done this practicum. Little bits of talks that great men have laid out there for all to study gives me hope, form their testimony’s, that I can trust and let go of my insecurities, and really that is what the atonement is.

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